1965 Willys Jeep Gladiator J300 "Custom Cab".

November 10, 2012



Ben Piff said...

The first potential contender for my favorite jeep since it's similarly hued, best-of sibling back in 2010.

Calvin said...

Am I alone in thinking these old jeep front fascias are almost... Jaguar-like?

great white tiburon said...

@calvin, nope, the front does look like a exaggerated version of the old jag xj6. It's kinda odd that it's so similar. this is a strange j series never actually seen a ext cab. I love those old style shift levers where the boot is on the floor. the interior looks like it's military issue. awesome ride.

SeattleO said...

Homemade, but awesome, and it looks almost factory. Gladiators, Cherokee Chiefs, all old Jeeps really, are some of my favorite cars of all time. Love the interior, front end, and the overall look.

scot said...

~ 'Grapes of Wrath' reference caught my eye.

Justin said...

Really does look factory. This truck is mean as hell, bet it could survive a nuclear war.

Ben Piff said...

Yes Justin, it really does bring nuclear war survival to mind. I've been thinking the same thing.

Tony Piff said...

fantastic period home-done customization, obviously with work-truck utility in mind.

there aren't a lot of souped-up pickups that qualify as unappreciated opcs, but this us one of the best trucks ever posted here.

a best-of-2012.

Ben Piff said...

I happened to stumble across the owner of this while photographing another one of his vehicles across town. He say's it's actually a 1963 Willys, and only one of five that were made.

scramboleer said...
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scramboleer said...

Used to own a '66 J3000. That thing was a tank. Pretty interesting as I thought Willys didn't start making these until 1964. The extended cab is awesome

Vincente Dearmore said...

Exceedingly rare truck built for the Washington Forestry Service. Only five were built and this makes for two that are still alive. I just want to touch it, just once.

Anonymous said...

Necropost but... I rode in this same truck this weekend. The current owner has spent quite a bit of effort in replacing the electrical system & getting it back on the road.

Anonymous said...


scramboleer said...

Awesome news. Thanks for the update. Any pics?

Anonymous said...

Just bought this beauty. Anyone have any more information on it? Can post more pics when I get it home

scramboleer said...

Congrats on your sweet Gladiator. Please do post more pictures and any history you learn.

Anonymous said...

I was the owner of this truck.I had sold it in 2012 to chrysler Loren M.Trotter,P.E.with the intention of it being restored and put in the jeep museum.

Anonymous said...

I just entered the reply you can reach me at my email deborahwasche@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

No it was a special order by the Canadian fire and rescue.I use to own this truck