1973 Toyota Celica GT.

April 26, 2012



Tony Piff said...

really nice shots of a wet, primer black car on a wet, dark street.

i've photographed this car before, but never came up with anything that didn't look totally depressing.

favorite detail is the leading hood edge.

erik said...

I like this exactly the way it is. What is that figure above the GT?

Neil said...

that's the 'swan' I believe.

Ben Piff said...

That's the Celica/Supra dragon, which I'd love to hear the story about! Somebody find it.

great white tiburon said...

I read that according to Toyota it is a 2 winged dragon from Greek Mythology.I also read that it is a Japanese flying flame spitting dragon known as celica, only that can be taken from the Greek rendition.
some people think it's a swan, some think it's a dragon. some people think the celica has a swan emblem while the celica supra has a dragon signifying the celica as graceful and majestic, a swan. while the celica supra is a winged giant lizard-bird, fearsome and strong.
whatever it is it's a cool badge for a BADASS ride, especially the lift-back models. gotta love that front end, it looks lean and mean.

Justin said...

Man, i'd drive the hell out of this, completely badass.
I'm with Tony as to what my favorite shot is....that hood shot has so much detail and texture to it.